seemed like a good idea…

5 years later I needed to add one more thing…
Enjoy the read everyone!

This little light of mine......


Thinking I may strike a chord with this one.

For a lot of us,

this is who we are before that crazy notion to become an active member of the fitness community.

We are completely aware that we should get out of our recliners and make something happen.

Good intentions is what we call it.

So how about we take a little stroll,

and let the flashback’s fly!


For a certain generation,

who remembers giving this a whirl?

sweatin to the oldies

I know for three specific ladies

(I won’t give names but 2 live in Rhode Island and one changed my diapers)

that right now you are all  getting a kick out remembering this one.

The great news however is you can bet you were not alone.

I am thinking there is quite a few more with the same words echoing in their minds.

“what the hell were we thinking!”

That crazy…

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who’s ready to chase some rainbows?

3 years later and I understand it more now than I ever did..
Happy New Year everybody, never stop chasing those rainbows!

This little light of mine......

inspiration rainbows

I realize there are some

that will get this

and some that won’t

but if there’s anything I am hoping for

once you have read it,

is that you allow yourself

time to just sit and think about it.

We are not put on this earth to simply exist

or present ourselves as emotional warriors,

unscathed or unfeeling,

simply because we come across as upbeat

and seeming as if nothing

can phase us

especially when life

certainly has a way of reminding us

that it isn’t just sunshine or lollipops

or we are as invincible

as everyone might think we are.

Being an eternal optimist,

immunity to suffering is something

we go through like everyone else

but I truly believe that perspective

is the fine line between

winning or losing our battles.

If you cut us

we will bleed

but let me try to explain

as best as I can

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We know…

To all those courageously, stubborn people

we love so very much,

who are going through some dark and trying moments

and more than likely too proud to ask for help

thinking it would be some sort of burden or bother.

Thinking also,

that it would be an admission of weakness or failure to reach out

and even worse,

fear of vulnerability or emotion.

So I got an idea

that maybe the best thing to do

is explain what the rest of us already know

and it won’t cost you one second of wondering

and hopefully fills your heart with some sort of comfort

at a moment you may just need it.

never alone

We know it has been hard.

We know you have meltdowns,

and we know you have cried alone.

We know you are fighting and continue to fight

every single day.

We know you won’t let some of us get close enough to assist you

yet we know you do need us discretely from time to time.

We know you wanted to give up more than a few times

but also we know you never will.

We know you keep most of us at arm’s length

so we don’t have to feel the hurt like you do.

We know you would be annoyed and maybe even angry

if you thought we pitied you.

We feel helpless

yet we sit patiently in the background

in the event that you do call on us.

We know you feel beaten down some days and hide it diligently,

as not to draw any undue attention to yourself.

We know you are stubborn in your convictions

but definitely more than capable

when it comes to your endurance and strength.

We know you are not weak or incapable

but we do know you are not super human either.

We know you are a warrior

and although not all warriors win their battles

they sure as hell never back down from a fight.

You see,

we do know more than you think

but we also know enough

to give you the respect and space

to do the things you need to do.

One more thing…

You know who you are!

Have a great day and may God Bless xo

Hello New Year!!

Although I wrote this a few years ago, it is still I how feel
as we approach another New Year!
Enjoy the read once again, and Happy New Year everyone!

This little light of mine......

And so we begin…


Another New Year of promises,

grand ideas of making it a better year

with intentions of starting

by making yourself a better you.

Time for those silly resolutions,

and yet for some,

they only prove to be

a huge pain in the ass

before the first week of the year

is even over.

We all make those dreaded promises

to become healthier and more physically fit

just to name a few.

We try to convince ourselves

that this will be the year

we not only conquer those requests

but we overcome them

 and that for some delusional reason

it is what will make our lives

more enjoyable, prosperous

and maybe even better human beings.

I honestly believe that resolutions

should be things we don’t really have to strive for.

If in the past years

you were someone who comforted,

empowered or simply gave strength

to someone…

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ALWAYS in our Hearts…Forever 9/11

Thought this one deserved to be re blogged!
Enjoy the read and may God Bless!

This little light of mine......


Every year we find ourselves waking up

to a flashback of that tragic morning.

Where we were,

who we were with,

completely numb to what we just witnessed.

I remember getting ready for work,

 doing my usual running around

with the television blaring in the background,

and really not paying attention

to what was being said.

I do remember passing and seeing what looked to me

like a “Die Hard” or “Rambo” movie playing

and thinking to myself,

“why on earth would a movie like this be playing so early in the morning?”

Seemed a little crazy for such violence that time of the day

and as I went to change the channel,

the words on the screen caught my attention.

Explodierendes World Trade Center III

It was almost as if I gasped for air

along with the rest of the world.

Total disbelief.

Complete shock,

but more importantly,

How the hell could this be happening?

Was this for…

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if I knew then what I know now…

I heard this phrase the other day

and it actually inspired me to finally sit down

and write.


Yes I know,

long time coming

so hopefully it’s worth the read.

The first thought that came to my mind

was looking back to my younger days.

Being aware of the people

who played such important roles in my life,

I can’t help but realize

that I truly did not have to impress anyone.

There honestly wasn’t a need to fall into any sort of “peer” pressure

and I really didn’t have to try as hard as I did

just to fit in

as I look back on it now.

The connections I made with my friends through the years

were deep-rooted and real from the very beginning.

If I knew then

what I know now

I would have been much more relaxed being me

because those same people

who to this day still have such an impact on my life,

accepted me just they way I was all along

and lo and behold

still do because they continue to make the choice

to stay involved in my life

to this very day.

(even if the jokes I tell are still super corny

and they sometimes wonder if I will ever grow up)

I really never had to improve my appearance

or look a certain way

now that I am completely aware of that,

however I honestly thought I had to

in order to feel accepted.

Case in point:

I actually allowed them to sit me down

and apply make up

which to me was basically the equivalent

to Chinese torture.

(those who know me well are nodding right about now)

I never had to try to be someone I wasn’t

and thank goodness my choice to be simple

funny and ordinary

was just fine by them.

My family saw the potential in me

even if I did make mistakes

and if I would have known then

what I know now,

it would have dawned on me very early on

that no matter what,

I would still be the same wonderful person

with a good heart

and I would never have worried near as much

that I needed approval

to be exactly who God intended me to be.

Life’s journey has us all taking roads

we sometimes aren’t ready for

especially in our younger years

and as we look back to the decisions we made along the way

one thing becomes very clear

that no matter what it was,

or how hard it may have been to get through

we always scrutinize our choices or decisions

good or bad

because of how it may have looked to others.

The way I see it,

nothing is worth regret.

Nothing is worth how others perceive it

or judge it.

Now that I am finally at an age to be considered

“experienced” or “qualified”

or at least

“old enough to know better”

your path,

your life,

your worth,

and most of all your being

is of great importance to you and only you

when the time comes to meet your maker.

I suppose if I got the chance to tell young people

what I have learned

knowing what I know now,

it would be

trust in who you are.

Look at the people around you

that love you unconditionally,

that need you in their life

as much as you need them.

If you feel the need to fit in

or think being important or successful

 to certain people

who don’t genuinely support you

or get you

is all that will ever matter,

you will lose yourself somewhere along the way

trying to be someone you are not

and that creepy word


will haunt you one day.

Keep it simple really.

There is only one YOU

and if you pay very close attention to the people

who have liked the “real” you unconditionally from the start,

I can promise they will be loving you

every step of the way.

Life is hard enough as it is,

and what better way to be

going through it

than by being yourself!

inspiration quantity of life

I really could go on and on

but I figure I’ll just put this out there

and let you think through it.

So one more time…

If you knew then,

what you know now

where would your mind take you?

Make it a great day everybody

and may God bless!

who’s ready to chase some rainbows?

inspiration rainbows

I realize there are some

that will get this

and some that won’t

but if there’s anything I am hoping for

once you have read it,

is that you allow yourself

time to just sit and think about it.

We are not put on this earth to simply exist

or present ourselves as emotional warriors,

unscathed or unfeeling,

simply because we come across as upbeat

and seeming as if nothing

can phase us

especially when life

certainly has a way of reminding us

that it isn’t just sunshine or lollipops

or we are as invincible

as everyone might think we are.

Being an eternal optimist,

immunity to suffering is something

we go through like everyone else

but I truly believe that perspective

is the fine line between

winning or losing our battles.

If you cut us

we will bleed

but let me try to explain

as best as I can

why our healing times

might seem a little quicker.

With every success,

every failure or disappointment

in which the curve of life throws at us

we are meant to learn and grow

as individuals.

It is not only about

it just being easy

and without challenge

or being foolish enough to think

that any of us go through life without

our share of emotional scars or broken hearts.

Keeping ourselves trapped into a darkness

that can and will at most times

tear us apart

or to some extent

remove what faith

we may have once believed in so much

when we allow our minds to take us

and keep us there.

Adversity and acceptance

is our way of growing.

Not saying it’s easier

but for all us “rainbow chasers” out there

it’s our way of not only pulling ourselves through

the beautiful moments,

but to give us

on some level

strength to push through the hard ones

and trust me,

this year has been a tough one.

As we approach yet another New year,

we gear ourselves up

into thinking

that what we put our hopes and wishes into,

 should actually happen

and on some level of delusion

believe they will come true

simply because we asked for them

just like everybody else,

but if there is one thing that makes perfect sense to me now

as I sit and think about what I would want

for this New Year if asked,

there is absolutely no doubt

what my response would be.

new year 365 if lucky

That being said,

there is nothing wrong with making ourselves better

even in times of loss.

There is nothing wrong with wanting for others

the happiness and joy they deserve

even though we’ve been denied that feeling

in our own tragic moments.

There is nothing wrong with

accepting  failure or loss

just so long as we understand

it should never be what defines us.

The creation of man

happened for a reason

and I would hate to think

that the only question we ask ourselves

at the end of the day

when things don’t go as planned is

what are we here for

or why even bother?

Each of us were created to make a difference.

Some in big ways and some in little

but the concept really has no bearing

on what it is you do

when you navigate through this life

but rather how you learn

to do it the best way

that you know how

while you are still here.

So take a moment to really look at your life.

Good or bad,

happy or sad,

ask yourself one very important question

especially with who surrounds you this year.

Look at those who know your story

before you decide on what it is

you expect for this coming New Year.

Whether you are a “resolution” person or not,

we all have expectations to improve our lives.

By all means work on improving yourself.

Health and fitness,

success and finance’s

spiritual and emotional


they can all lose some appeal

if the people you love the most

aren’t there to cheer for you

or watch you succeed.

So now that I have your attention

decide on what truly matters

come the first new day of the year.

Remind yourself that although life isn’t perfect

or fair at times,

and during the “storms”

where you seem to feel the safest

hiding under a blanket

like some kind of cloaking device,

you really have to ask yourself,

“If I don’t take a peek,

could I be missing something incredible?”

You can remain negative and blind

wasting time under your dark clouds,

or you can change your focus,

accept and acknowledge

that it will be hard to do

and throw away the fear that is holding you back.

The choice is

and will always be


This picture is courtesy of my sister

who said Good morning to my Dad up in heaven

on her drive into town one day

and lo and behold this appeared

giving her enough time to pull over

and take this picture before it quickly disappeared.

From above,

his message was clear.

NEVER stop chasing rainbows!

debbies rainbow

Wishing you all

a year of endless possibilities,

the courage to face whatever may come

but above all 

an unexpected rainbow 

at the very moment you may need one!

From my family to yours,

Happy New Year and may God Bless xoxo

there’s nothing like receiving Christmas “presence”…

Reblogging this one because a year later it has much more meaning. Dedicated in the memory of my father. Enjoy the read and I hope it shines light for whoever may need it!

This little light of mine......

Christmas magic

There is something to be said

about the magic of the season.

No question about the anticipation,

the beauty of Christmas lights

glowing so brightly

throughout the world.

A fresh covering of white snow,

 weighing down tree branches

as far as the eye can see.


That sense of amazement in a young child’s eyes

when that certain gift under the tree

is placed in front of them.

Even the hustle and bustle

of shopping in crowded malls

to slowly cross off gifts

on that famous list

is a huge part of what the holiday season

is all about.

Let us not forget

the emotion attached to

every Christmas carol we hear

from Oh Holy night

to I’ll be home for Christmas

that can bring shivers to our soul.

So now that I have described almost exactly

what this time of year brings

to so many of us,

there is also…

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the meaning of Christmas spirit….

Sorry to say that my “creative” juices haven’t been working lately,
but as we are all embarking on another Christmas season,
I thought to bring this one back as a gentle reminder.
Please enjoy the read and keep it in mind when you’re out and about!
God bless and have a great day everybody xoxo

This little light of mine......

Just like so many of you,

I too find myself at this time of year struggling

with the true meaning of Christmas.

I have shared this true story with some,

but I feel it is so important to pass it along,

not only for those who haven’t heard it before,

but also as a reminder to myself.

It was approaching yet another holiday season,

and naturally I was caught up

in the whole “Grinch” syndrome so many of us deal with.

grinch with a present

The idea of going to crowded malls,

searching and dealing with some other “Grinch” like characters

was something I was in absolutely no mood to get involved with.

This particular day

I was having an inner battle in my head to go and do some Christmas shopping.

I got myself dressed and dragged my reluctant self into my car,

grumbling the entire ride there.

I found myself standing in the…

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